Super Natural Collection: May 2023

Super Natural Collection


Comprising five sustainable and super-natural textiles by Suzanne Tick, the Super Natural collection paves the way for more environmentally-conscious performance textiles—emphasizing natural, renewable, domestic, recycled, biodegradable and circular fiber systems wherever possible.

Inspired by our relationship with nature, Super Natural features a palette that finds harmony between the man-made and the organic—balancing warm and cool textures, black and white hues and the softer colors of nature with the more saturated colors of fashion. Combining craftsmanship with the durability of renewable materials, this collection weaves patterns and textures into comfortable, classic, and technical textiles to meet the needs of contract and hospitality spaces. Working in tandem with nature and its organizing powers, we take part of its system, presenting a collection that feels good and does good, too.

Watch the Super Natural Collection Inspiration Video featuring Suzanne Tick 

Download the Super Natural Collection PDF 

Download the Super Natural Collection Card